Accessories D.V.P. Vacuum Technology

Shock mount AV – Necessary to attenuate the pump vibration and reduce the noise level.

Oil bath filter FBO - Developed to allow vacuum pumps to operate even in very dusty environments. Filtration is provided by a special metal mesh cartridge inserted at the bottom of the filter, which also contains the oil that serves to trap the smalles dust particles.

Filters with metal bowl FCM - Mounted at the pump or compressor intake to protect them from dust or solids. The housing is made of metal and a rapid opening system makes it easy to replace the filter cartridge.
Filters with transparent bowl FCT - Mounted on the pump or compressor intake to protect them from dust or solids. The clear housing allows to quickly check the status of the filte cartridge.
Antibacterial filters for medical vacuum FBM – Recommended when the removal of microrganisms and/or any other types of contamination is necessary, helping to decontaminate the intake volume as well as protect the pump and the surrounding atmosphere.

Condensation separator filter FSC - These prevent condensable fumes or liquids from the system from being taken in. The housing is transparent to visually check the level of the intercepted liquid, and the drainage valve on the bottom of the cap allows it to be expelled.

Clogged exhaust filter indicator SIF - This device was developed for use on lubricated vacuum pumps and measures the increase in load loss in an oil separator filter.

Vacuum switch VSC
Vacuum gauge 

Digital Vacuum gauge VD

Non-retrn valve VNE – These are made of bronze, with gaskets of NBR rubber and wth no springs to avoid any load loss. 

Vacuum regulator valves VRF – These valves permit the adjustment of the pump residual pressure. Also available in version for the pressure regulation. 

Hose connections 

Spare parts kits


Mr. Anton Zakotenko

Mob: +38-098-697-34-85